
Katja Kuper

I simply love working with children. They all have great capabilities, some children just need more time to develop their talents than others. I believe we should put trust in our children (and pupils) instead of forcing them to perform better and better. Let them be. Let them read.

Reading is essential to learning. "Lezen is leven", as we say in Dutch. "Reading is living." Helping children read is my speciality, no matter what their level is. But I also teach other primary school subjects.

As a freelancer I worked in communcation for two decades but then discovered a talent for working with children. In Amsterdam I started working for primary schools in 2019 and experiences there made me get an associate degree in children's psychology.

Now I work for ECZO in Amsterdam and other clients who need my reading and teaching skills. Remedial Teaching, begrijpend lezen, technisch lezen en other subjects like English.